Friday, December 11, 2009

January 1-4 Verse 1

The first verse is "The Tao that can be named is not the Tao". It is about the energy of the universe. Let me say here I will be using Universe/God/energy pretty interchangeable, you use the word you are most comfortable with.

Verse 1 - The Energy of the Universe
The Way of Heaven is like a well that is used but never used up. It is eternal, and the creator of everything in the world. In it all sharpness is dulled, all tangles untied, all glare shut out, all dust swept away. Where did it come from? I do not know. It is older than eternity.

Remember a time when you looked at a sunset, or stood by the ocean, and became “lost” in the experience? No words, just a feeling of being a part of everything. That’s the energy, that is the feeling of oneness. Can you imagine that just being used up? No.

Out from that experience of Oneness, we begin to name things; we “create” our world. We name “ten thousand things”. In naming, we separate. We say that “this” is “this” and “that” is “that”. We “judge”, and out of that judgment springs desire. We see the manifestations of our desires in our world. If we became the leaf and just was, we would be in harmony with all.

We can always return to the Source, simply by being desireless, by living in the moment. By being content with what is, we become aware of our constant connection to source. It is always there - our connection never breaks it just gets staticy.

To “play” with these ideas further, reflect on the following questions:

1. What do you desire now?

2. What do you see in your life that is there because of your past desires? (both good and bad)

3. What would it feel like for you to give up all desire? Just for a moment, to be totally content with all just as it is?

Sometime during this next 4 days, do the following:

4. Walk in nature and see a tree without labeling it. Really experience it without judgment.

5. Allow yourself to relax in the mystery of life. Experience being comfortable, just for a moment, without knowing, without desiring. Just being.

Please post your comments, feelings, experiences on this and I wish us all a safe trip.

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