Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jan 13-16 Verse 4

The Tao is empty but inexhaustible.
It is like the eternal void:
filled with infinite possibilities.
Infinitely deep, it is the source of all things.

Within it, the sharp edges become smooth;
the twisted knots loosen;
the sun is softened by a cloud;
the dust settles into place.

It is hidden but always present.
I do not know who gave birth to it.
It is older than the concept of God.

He is speaking of the energy of the universe. If we could be aware and tap into that energy our edges would smooth. If I take a deep breathe and just relax that is what it feels like to me. Everything is calmer I am more aware of my surroundings and I slow down.

Authors talk about infinite possibilities and how we can ask for/manifest our desires. I always had guilt over this because what if I took the last million and someone else really needed more than I did? I finally realize that there is no 'last' it is always there. You are not taking the last piece of the pie because there is no last piece.

Similar to the loaves and fishes story. They had 5 loaves and 2 fish to begin with and yet 5000 people were fed and there were baskets of leftovers. There was no last loaf. There was more than enough for everyone. Just like the universe/God there is no running out. We can be guilt free in our requests.

The line "it is older than the concept of God", I think means this energy was always around it was just given the name of God at some point. When you start to think about that - this huge, complex and yet simple force that has always been available and will be available long after I am gone - it makes me want to tap into it and be in a relaxed state. It has seen it all and the earth has survived. Whether Conor cleans up his room or not suddenly doesn't seem worth the fight. I'd rather spend the time with him enjoying each other, knowing soon enough he'll be grown and gone. What would I rather a messy room lived in or a clean room empty? I choose messy. Of course his door is closed right now and I can't see the mess so it is easy for me to write that.

If you view yourself as this infinite power and your kids as us, think about how fast they have grown. 10 years is nothing. 10 more and he will be out of the house. Think of the drama and issues of their first 10 years. Our love was constant and we all survived. So our love is like the universal energy - constant, unchanging, big enough for 20 kids, small enough for 1. It fits the situation. It will never run out regardless of what they do or how old they are. If they leave this world before us, our love is still there. If they live in another state, or have chosen not to speak to us - our live is still there. It never, ever goes away.

Oh I am really getting this now. How wonderful to have access to that energy all the time. Makes me sad that I don't take more time to tap into it. Hopefully trying to live the Tao will make me more aware.

Deep breathe and..... smoothing.

1 comment:

  1. Your explanations on this one were fantastic. I would have been scratching my head without them! My sole response is an exclamation: of course the Tao / energy was there before it was called God! Sometime I'm uncomfortable with the word "God," because of the associations with organized religions. Calling it by its original name is more soothing for me.
