Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jan 17-20 Verse 5

The Tao doesn't take sides;
it gives birth to both good and evil.
The Master doesn't take sides;
she welcomes both saints and sinners.

The Tao is like a bellows:
it is empty yet infinitely capable.
The more you use it, the more it produces;
the more you talk of it, the less you understand.

I go back to The Shack and that good or bad is relative, therefore there is no good or bad only choices. There is no judgment. I believe that God/Universe is constantly opening opportunities based on choices we make that will bring about the greatest good.

There are horrible choices, the killing of anyone is terrible. In these situations I think that paths may be opened for the people affected by the choice. Maybe strength is found or opportunities are given to head in a different direction.

We all have those life changing instances that have made us into someone else. Having Conor was one of those. I will never be the 25 year old that spent an hour and half to get ready or the woman who was so opinionated about child rearing. I am a mom that is happy when she remembers to brush her teeth. If something happened to Conor, I would still be a mom I would not revert to who I was.

The line about saints and sinners makes me think of the opposites verse. A sinner is a saints job and a saint is the sinners goal. We are one or the other at any given time, our choices bring us there and bring us out again.

The Universe is like a bellows (tool that blows a strong current of air, used to make a fire burn more fiercely or to sound a musical instrument). While the bellows is empty, it is forever able for use. It never runs out and is ready to help us live more joyously we just have to use it.


  1. "If something happened to Conor, I would still be a mom".

    Ok, just..... wow.

  2. What I'm getting from this verse is non-judgement. No good and evil, only intention and manifestastion. Not a higher being just waiting to judge us, but a void that is willing to create whatever we dream, be it good or bad. I think we have a lot more power than we want to realize and therefore a lot more responsibility. We have to be careful of what we focus on.

    Also, I agree with Debby above, that was a pretty cool statement, Fiona.
