Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jan 9-12 Verse 3

If the chosen are not exalted, no one envies them. 
If material treasures are not praised, no one steals them.
In other words, if the objects of passions are not shown off, there are no temptations.
The wise ruler does not create such temptations to people but takes care that people have enough food.  This eliminates passions and strengthens people’s health.
The wise ruler always strives to prevent temptations and passions and does not let evil people act.
The absence of these problems brings calm.
This one is great. I read The Shack and there is a whole chapter about good and bad. The main character is told he has to judge the world and he starts flipping out because he doesn't want to and doesn't have the ability to. But all through his life he has judged others based on looks, money, smell, behavior etc. So he obviously can judge and does all the time. He is forced to look at what his basis is for judging and he realizes that someone is 'good' when their behavior, looks, etc confirm the mans own personal ideas. Someone is 'bad' when those ideas are challenged. HOWEVER examples are brought up that show his ideas are fluid, what might be bad one day may become good another given different circumstances and knowledge.

God explains that there is no good or bad, right or wrong, there are only choices that either bring you closer to your better self or away from it. 

Deepak talks about how we spend almost 90% of time trying to convince others that we are right or defending our ideas. Think about what could be done with that energy if we just accepted that others have different opinions and behaviors and that we are free to be who we are.

This verse is about removing value and judgment. If I judge money to be important I place a very high value you on it. Then my energy is spent trying to get it , keep it, get more of it. If instead I appreciate what I have, believe that what I need will always be given, then I spend my energy in the now instead of judging others - she has more money than I but I have more than him - I can live in the now. 
As an aside - Who even decides that a Monet has tremendous value and a Murphy doesn't? How as a group have we all bought into this? Is Prada purse worth hundreds more than one from JC Pennys? Has all this been created to fuel the retail industry? I am curious about how such high monetary value is placed on somethings and not others. I understand rarity and original, but still. I have the same thoughts on curse words - who decided that certain words were bad?

Back to the verse - Think about what was important to you as a child, teenager, young adult, first married. What I spent energy on, cried over, HAD to have. All those things are inconsequential now and most of the material things I have throw out over the years. When I have to have something now I try to give it time. 
I try to focus on being and enjoying. Not that it is a piece of cake. I have friends with great bodies, houses, high status jobs, amazing talents, lots of money, etc and it is easy to want what they have but I try to be very happy for them and myself. I'm working on it.

1 comment:

  1. Parenthood gave me more perspective in my life than anything else. What I want now is completely different from what I needed 10 years ago. And now its my job to (try to) instill this value system upon my children.
